※ARTWORK by Dabstar
1998年結成。現在までSNUFFY SMILEから2枚のアルバムと多くのスプリットを含めたシングルをリリース。アルバムはUS盤もBROKEN REKIDSからリリースしていますね。数多くの楽曲を国内外のレーベルに提供し、日本のバンドとしては初めてNO IDEAのFESTに出演したのはこのTHE URCHINなの覚えてますか?!一度聴いたら耳にこびりつくキャッチーなメロディーにパンクロックの荒々しさも同時にあわせ持つ魅力的なバンドは多くの支持を得ているのも当然。国内のメロディックパンクを聴いてる方でこのバンド知らない人いないでしょう?!
現在、ベースにDiSGUSTEENSのキヨシを迎えた新体制で再び走りだしたこのタイミングで、すでに廃盤となっている単独シングル2枚、スプリットシングル6枚(内、PEACE OF BREADとのスプリットはライブ会場配布限定作)、コンピ提供5曲からアルバム未収録曲のみを網羅し、さらにNO IDEAからリリース予定でこれまで未発表となっている幻の2曲も収録して全25曲からなるTHE URCHINの18年の歴史を補完する作品。全曲マスター起こしでリマスタリングもいつもの林淳太(malegoat、shipyards始め殆どのWATERSLIDE作品のレコーディング手がけてる)で完璧です!メンバーによる各曲解説も最高!長らく待たされているニューアルバムリリースまでこの作品でお楽しみください!(O)
俺の我儘な願いを快く引き受けてくれたWATERSLIDE RECORDSのカズには心より感謝します。そして俺の想像を遥かに超えるCOOLなジャケットを制作してくれたDabstar、ありがとう。
NEWメンバーのキヨシに迎えパワーアップしたTHE URCHIN。これからもよろしく!」
review from "I Buy WAY Too Many Records Dot Com" by Tim POPKID
I think I can say pretty easily that this CD is the best record I've ever been sent for review. It probably doesn't hurt that The Urchin have long been one of my absolute favorite bands from Japan. They haven't put out an album since their 2001 masterpiece Another Day, Another Sorry State, but I have always held out hope that they were going to release something new. That's mostly because I saw that they have still been playing in Japan all of these years. The bad news is that this CD isn't a new full length album, but the good news is that it compiles all of their non album songs into one place. And hot damn are these songs great.
To me, The Urchin always felt like the Dillinger Four of Japan. Every song they've ever released has been tight and catchy, with the sort of ridiculously hooky choruses that so few bands are capable of. They've got so many amazing songs from their various 7"s they've been putting out over the past eighteen years. Their entire run of Snuffy Smile 7"s are present as are various other splits, the songs from a self released CDEP, several compilation songs and even a couple that were previously unreleased. Despite having hunted down as many records of theirs as I could find, there were still a few songs on this that I had never heard before.
Even though they haven't put out a new record in fifteen years, it would still be hard for you to convince me that The Urchin is not the best band in Japan. The songs on this record reminded me just how much I love this band and if I have to wait another fifteen years for a new full length, so be it, I'll keep waiting. Though, I would prefer to not have to wait that long if possible, so let's get some new songs recorded!