全米50州のバンドが各々の州の州歌を演ってるという企画ものなんですけど参加メンツがウレシ過ぎの1枚なんです。気になる収録バンドはThe Crash, Plow United, Melting Hopefuls, A Mercy Union, The #1 Cigs, Little A, Pee-Tanks, The Frownies, Christian, Fun Size, long distance runner, Sticky, Laurels, Huffy, Gladys, Pezz, Croatan, Royal Pendeltons, Dessau, August Sons, Lynyrd's Innards, The Quinsonics, Doc Hopper, Bunnygrunt, The Mistletones, Dead Clown Pile, Home, Baboon, The Bent Scepters, Boris The Sprinkler, Dodgeball, 4th Grade Nothing, The Automatics, Kill Creek, Hefty, Narcissistic Freds, Sideshow, Pinhead Circus, Martian, The TransAms, Disgruntled Nation, Sicko, Haggis, One Good Eye, 9 Spine Stickelback, P.D.B., UVtransmission, Mandingo, Little Lippi, Grapefruitで、まさに怪盤バンドのオンパレードです!